
TReV Study:Transmissibility of respiratory viruses in households






Study information

The emergence of novel SARS-CoV-2 virus in late 2019 has led to a global pandemic rapidly, causing a significant threat to global health and economy. In the control of a novel pandemic, one of the most important aspects is to understand the transmission mode and transmissibility of the disease, i.e. how easily the disease will spread from an infected individual to another susceptible individual. Understanding the transmissibility of the disease can help determine ways to mitigate the transmission chain and adjust the strength and intensity of the control measures. However, we have very limited knowledge on the transmissibility of various respiratory viruses and their pandemic potential.

Therefore, we are conducting a research study to investigate the transmissibility of various common respiratory viruses in household settings. In addition, we will assess the sensitivity of swabbing method by comparing the viral concentration between the nose swab and throat swab.

This study is approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong / Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster. (IRB ref no.: UW 21-387)




Enrolment Eligibility

We will invite 350 families to join this study.
You are eligible to join the study if you meet the following requirements:

*Symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, running nose, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle pain, headache or diarrhoea



Study Procedures

No cost will be incurred for joining this study. To appreciate your support for our study, each household will receive:


How to join



電郵: trev.study@hku.hk

電話/WhatsApp: +852 9178 7768


Contact us


Email: trev.study@hku.hk

Telephone / WhatsApp: +852 9178 7768

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm (except public holidays)





About us

Our team at the School of Public Health, the University of Hong Kong are experts in infectious disease epidemiology. This study is led by Dr. Nancy Leung and Prof. Benjamin Cowling.

The School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (HKUSPH) has a long and distinguished history in public health education and high impact research. With world leading research in infectious diseases as well as on non-communicable diseases of both local and global importance, we have made significant contributions through its research and advocacy to improve the health of populations and individuals, both locally and globally. The School is a leading research and teaching hub in public health on influenza and other emerging viruses, control of non-communicable and infectious diseases, tobacco control, air pollution, psycho-oncology, behavioural sciences, exercise science, life-course epidemiology, and health economics, health services planning and management. Work done by us has informed international (e.g. the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization), national and local public health policies.

The School of Public Health hosts the WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control. With a view to protecting the public's health in Hong Kong and across the region, the WHO CC aims to coordinating research on the control and prevention of infectious diseases and providing local and regional education and training in infectious disease epidemiology and control. Members of the WHO CC are involved in the response to COVID-19 and conducted a range of scientific research projects.
